Wednesday, June 23, 2010

September 21, 2009 - Mexico City

Hello everyone!
We arrived in Mexico City yesterday and were picked up by a lovely family that we met through We love it here and are planning to stay with them for the next few days. Not only did they pick us up from the airport, then they drove us around the city for a couple hours. After that we returned to their house where we ate huge bowls of pozole with Fanta. We enjoyed some conversation en espanol about travelling and Mexico. Emily´s spanish is coming back and Tyler´s brain hurts from the immersion. Here we have a queen bed to sleep in and a secure house to leave our things while we are off exploring the city, which we are about to do for the first time. We woke up for a homemade breakfast of tamales and atole (a delicious, hot, thick, fruity, milk drink). Now we are off on our own for a while on the Metro which will take us wherever we want to go for 2 pesos (like 15 cents).
This is the first of many exciting tales to come, please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested or who we may have missed in our address collection (special note to those at Franklin School because I lost everyone´s emails so maybe Billy and Casie could help me out there). If you recieve this email forwarded please reply to us so we can add you to our list. Also reply with your mailing address if you want postcards or if you want to be taken off the list. Our next email will have more information about our blogs which we still haven´t figured out exactly how we are going to use. This address is our joint email account which we will use to send out these group emails however we also each have personal emails; they are: jtylerwalker@gmail and emilyterrill707@gmail. You can use those to contact us individually or to find our blogs through our google profiles. So far, so good, Tyler y Emily

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